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Sunday Morning Children's Ministry

Explore the ministry opportunities for your children on Sunday mornings at Stoney Creek Baptist.

We are so excited for you to join us on Sunday morning! Our children’s program is built on the foundation of teaching the love of Christ through Bible stories, songs, games, snack and play. During each of these times, children are taught how we can share the love of Christ whether it’s through sharing your toys, turn taking, making new friends, praying together, listening to a story, worship, and the list goes on.

We have a nursery for infants and toddlers. You can leave your littlest ones for the entire service knowing they will be cared for in a nurturing environment. We also have special programming that spans the entire service on Sunday mornings for 2 and 3 year-olds and another room for JK and SK kids.

Right before the sermon begins, grade 1 to 5 kids will be dismissed to join their Sunday school time in their classrooms on either side of the library, which includes teaching from the Bible in a fun, relevant, and age-appropriate way.

We want every child to feel welcome in our classrooms which we know is harder for younger ones. Our volunteers will ensure that when you drop off your child, they will receive a warm hello and be introduced to new friends, shown around the classroom and have a chance to adjust to the new environment. If there is anything that you know will help make your child feel more comfortable, let us know by either contacting the church or talking with the volunteers at drop off.

Before your child is able to attend our Sunday morning programs, we require a parent or guardian fill out a registration form for every child who will be attending. You can click the button below to register online or we have paper forms available in every classroom. Please list any medical information we may need to know in order to keep your child safe.

If you are considering attending Stoney Creek and have a child with specific needs, please fill out our Specific Needs Form below so that we can help make your child’s transition into our care as seamless as possible.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning visiting Stoney Creek Baptist with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!