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Serving in our church

Stoney Creek Baptist loves to serve and we have many opportunities for you to serve right here.

Sunday Kids Programs

If you have a love for working with children and training them up to follow Christ, we would love for you to volunteer in our Sunday morning Children's Ministry. We have programs for nursery-age children (up to age 2), age 2&3, JK/SK, and grades 1-5. If you're interested in helping out, please let us know through the link below.

Creekside Kids

We run a free midweek children’s program for children grade 1-5 every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm-8:00pm from September to April. This is a great night of fun for children and leaders and we are always looking for more volunteers. If you enjoy working with kids, organizing games, telling stories and helping children to learn more about Jesus, please considering volunteering.

Day Camp

July 22-26, 2024 from 9am-12pm


We have an absolutely fantastic youth group that sincerely works to develop the faith of those in JR and SR high. Our groups meet every Thursday from September to May and we also have exciting events throughout the year. This is a very changing world and now more than ever, our students need strong mentors and role models to build strong foundations of faith. If you have a heart for youth and would like to make a difference in their lives, fill out the form below.

Worship: Music & A/V Teams

We are grateful for gifted singers and musicians who lead us every Sunday morning. We also have a knowledgable tech crew that serves in the background to run our AV systems. If you would like to serve in either of these areas, fill out the form below and let us know.

Ushers & Greeters

Our greeters are the first to welcome newcomers to our church and really set a standard for how people will perceive SCBC. We want newcomers to see that we are a church that values relationships and have hearts for helping others. Our ushers help to seat our congregation, pass around our offering and communion plates and help out church attendees in any way they can. SCBC greeters and ushers have hearts for people and enjoy doing what they can to help.

Maintenance: Lawn & Gardens

We have been blessed that our church is on a beautiful acreage of land. This allows us to rent out our property for events as well as host our own for church gatherings. In order to keep our property looking as lovely as it is, it takes a hardworking crew to take care of our expansive plot. If you are willing to give us your time and your energy, we would love for you to join our team that helps to care for our lawn and gardens.

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these ministry areas, click the button below to fill out the form and we will connect you.