Garden of Hope
In the Spring of 2012, in partnership with the Life Resource Centre, the Garden of Hope Community Garden was officially opened! The 2-acre garden is an urban farming initiative that is focused on meeting the nutrition, health, and employment needs of members of refugee immigrant families. The Garden of Hope not only provides people with an opportunity to grow food from their home countries, but also provides an affordable, healthy source of fresh fruits and vegetables. For years, we as a church had been trying to sell this land. Turns out, God had other plans.

International Student Dinners
(FOCUS Club)
Our church loves to bring people together for fellowship and to connect, especially when we involve food! We have partnered with the International Student groups at Fanshawe College and Western University to host monthly potluck dinners here at the church. It is a great opportunity for our church to give a little taste of home and family to these students who are so far from home.

If you attend our church and would like to get involved either by bringing food for the potluck or connecting with students, contact the church office for more info. If you are a student looking to know more about FOCUS Club, you can visit their website here.
Ark Aid
We at Stoney Creek Baptist Church strongly believe in helping those in need and that we are always in the mission field. When we are caring for our brothers and sisters, we are caring for Christ and showing God’s love to them. We serve on the third Monday of every month with Ark Aid Mission help to feed those who come. We meet at 5pm at Ark Aid to set up, serve and clean up the meal after. This is a great chance for you to meet and get to know those who our society tends to ignore and really build relationships with them. If you are interested and would like more information, contact the church or Dianne Fewster.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me drink,
I was a stranger and you welcomed me…”
Matthew 25:35