
Learn how to become a member of Stoney Creek Baptist Church.

We’re so glad you are interested in membership at Stoney Creek! The process for becoming a member is outlined below.

If you'd like to request a meeting with one of the pastors/elders before filling out the Membership Application, you can request a meeting by contacting the office.

Membership Process

1.   A person expresses interest in joining Stoney Creek Baptist Church.

2.   Complete a membership application. For a printed version, contact the office.

3.   Upon receiving your application, a meeting will be set up with two pastors/elders/deacons. The meeting will consist of the membership class and an interview.

5.   Upon a positive interview, your name is brought forward to the Church Board.

6.   Your name is then forwarded to the church membership for final approval by congregational vote.

7.   You will be welcomed into membership on the day of the congregational vote and the right hand of fellowship will be given at the conclusion of that service.

Membership Application

The Membership Application can be filled out below by clicking on the "Apply Now" button. For a printed version, please contact the office.

Got Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church office.