Missions Project Offering

Bread For All Sudan

Missions Conference Offering

Bread for all sudan

As part of this year's Missions Conference, we want to help our missionaries Bechara and Roula Karkafi launch a ministry hub in Sudan that will provide both physical and spiritual bread for refugees and Sudanese families living in poverty.


In recent years, the world has seen the highest numbers of refugees in recorded history. They leave for many reasons: war, persecution, living conditions that make thriving impossible. Many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are bursting at the seams with millions of refugees trying to find safety and a better life. MENA countries are often unwilling or unable to provide adequate support to these vulnerable people. Refugees often go without secure employment for years, leading to food insecurity and a whole host of other related problems.

To address this problem in Lebanon and the surrounding area, our missionaries Bechara and Roula Karkafi began mobilizing local churches by starting the Bread for All feeding program. This impactful ministry serves refugees from all backgrounds and religious affiliations by providing locally sourced food baskets to families in need. As the physical hunger is satisfied in the form of food packages, the Gospel is presented; offered as the only gift that will satisfy their spiritual needs. Over 30 house churches have started within Muslim majority communities as a result.

As they have watched God build His Kingdom through the Bread for All project in seemingly unreachable communities in the Middle East, the Karkafis have been encouraged to expand the program into North Africa. Sudan is a Muslim-majority country that has a population of 35 million people, is home to 52 unreached people groups, and hosts over one million refugees. Over 65% of the population lives in poverty.

This spring, Lord willing, Bechara and Roula will be launching Bread For All Sudan, a ministry hub in Sudan. This would provide funding to make available 12 months-worth of food baskets for 150 families, in addition to a small gift to welcome and bless a local program coordinator as they establish the program. Offered with the physical bread will be spiritual bread, through evangelism and discipleship to those who will benefit from this program.

We'd love if you'd prayerfully consider giving to this project over the course of our Missions Conference. Bechara and Roula need $25,000+ to begin this ministry hub. Our goal is to raise $15,000 over the course of our Missions Conference, 100% of which will go towards Bread for All Sudan.


  1. By cash or cheque at the church. Please mark the cheque or envelope with "Sudan Missions Conference Project".
  2. By e-transfer. Simply send your gift by e-transfer via your online or mobile bank account to: donations@stoneycreekbaptist.com In the ‘notes’ field, please include that it's for the "Sudan Missions Conference Project". And if it's your first time giving via e-transfer, please also provide your address for tax receipt purposes.
  3. Online with a credit card.