Women's Ministry

Coming to Faith, Growing in Faith, Sharing our Faith.

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry page of Stoney Creek Baptist. 

We are well into Fall and our ministries have started again. Here’s what our Women’s Ministry has planned through till Christmas. Please consider joining us for one or all of these events.

Ladies Bible Study

We meet in the chapel every Thursday morning from 10:00 – 11:00, studying God’s Word via video studies or in-person teachers. This fall we are using Jennifer Rothschild’s study on Psalm 23 and have all been blessed by the reality that we have a Shepherd who cares for us. We will continue this study until October 31, with the exception of October 3rd, when Miriam Tyers, our missionary to Portugal, will be speaking. We would love to have you join us anytime you can. Childcare is available for preschoolers.

Evening Edition

This is simply an evening edition of the morning Bible study. We will be using the same study on Psalm 23 by Jennifer Rothschild. We will begin this 7-week study at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday October 17, finishing on November 28. If an evening study fits your schedule better, this study is for you. Please sign up at the Info Centre – no charge. Study guides are available at Amazon.ca or at Creation Bookstore.

Connections & Confections

This is a great social evening of meeting other women from our church, having some fun activities and enjoying some great fall desserts. A mug exchange has become our tradition at this event so bring along a gently used or new mug for the exchange plus a “toonie” to cover expenses. Sally Davidson, one of our own church women, will share a devotional thought with us. The date is Friday October 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. Please sign up at the Info Centre.

Cover to Cover Book Club

Our next selection for book club is “Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, wife of Charles H. Spurgeon” by Ray Rhodes Jr. Discussion date is Monday November 4 at 7:00pm in the church library. Simply read the book and join us for the discussion.

Save the Date

“Exceeding Great Joy!”

Save Friday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m. as the date for our annual Christmas event.

Watch here for more details.

Got Questions?

Gwen Penny is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator along with her team consisting of Sandra Hill, Elaine Martineau, and Melanie Ottaway.

To contact Gwen, email her at gwen@stoneycreekbaptist.com or call 519-457-7072.