Women's Ministry

Coming to Faith, Growing in Faith, Sharing our Faith.

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry page of Stoney Creek Baptist Church.

We hope you will be able to participate in some or all of the activities listed below. Here is what we have planned for the first few weeks of 2025. Keep checking this space for more details and events.

Ladies Bible Study

“Our 2025 Thursday morning Bible studies will begin on January 9. We meet in the chapel from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. every Thursday morning. Coffee, tea and snacks are available at 9:30, so come early to enjoy a brief time of fellowship before the study.

One of our favourite teachers, Dr. Marianne Vanderboom, will be leading our study for the first few weeks of this session. Her topic, “The -Ologies of Theology: Practical Theology for Practical People” will increase your knowledge of and love for God’s Word. Marianne’s teaching is clear and concise and will be a blessing to you.

Cover to Cover Book Club

Our next selection is “One Candle to Burn”, a biography of Dal and Kay Washer, missionaries to West Africa. Our discussion date is Monday January 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the church library.

Dal and Kay were pioneering missionaries to Africa after World War II. Their ministries included preaching to tribes in the jungle, rescuing unwanted babies, founding a ministry for blind children and helping start a hospital. Their family members have, between them,

served over 100 years in Africa. Some of our own missionaries to Togo have worked with their grandchildren who continue to serve there to this day.

Got Questions?

Gwen Penny is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator along with her team consisting of Sandra Hill, Elaine Martineau, and Melanie Ottaway.

To contact Gwen, email her at gwen@stoneycreekbaptist.com or call 519-457-7072.