Welcome to the Women’s Ministry page of Stoney Creek Baptist Church.
We hope you will be able to participate in some or all of the activities listed below. Here is our line-up of events through to the end of 2024. We invite all women of all ages to join us at any time.
Ladies Bible Study
Our weekly Ladies Bible Study is completed for the year. We will start back again on Thursday, January 9th at 10am with Marianne Vanderboom teaching. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Cover to Cover Book Club
Our next selection is a biography of Dal and Kay Washer, missionaries to Africa. Our discussion date is Monday January 20, 2025, leaving you lots of time to read this engaging story. Some of our own missionaries to Togo have worked with their family who are still actively involved in ministry in the south of Togo.
Got Questions?
Gwen Penny is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator along with her team consisting of Sandra Hill, Elaine Martineau, and Melanie Ottaway.
To contact Gwen, email her at gwen@stoneycreekbaptist.com or call 519-457-7072.