Welcome to the Women’s Ministry page of Stoney Creek Baptist Church.
We hope you will be able to participate in some or all of the activities listed below. Here is what's happening for the next few weeks for the women at Stoney Creek. Keep checking this space for more details and events.
Ladies Bible Study
We meet in the chapel every Thursday from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Coffee, tea and snacks are available at 9:30 so come early to enjoy a brief time of fellowship before the study. Childcare is available for preschoolers.
On March 13 we will begin Jen Wilkin's 9-week video study in I Peter called "A Living Hope in Christ". Jen is a Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas and an advocate for biblical literacy. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts and authored multiple books. She will challenge us to think for ourselves through the homework and then give her commentary through the videos. You will be blessed and you will learn more about I Peter through this study. Her study guide is available on Amazon.ca.
Easter Advent
All women are invited to join us on Friday April 4th at 7:30 p.m. for our next Women's Ministry event. We will be reflecting on Easter and how the themes of the Advent season - hope, peace, joy and love - are more meaningful because of the resurrection. We'll also have some fun, enjoy some delicious goodies and have some time to visit with friends.
There is no charge for this event but you need to sign up at the Welcome Centre so we know numbers. Bring a friend and enjoy the evening together.
Got Questions?
Gwen Penny is the Women’s Ministry Coordinator along with her team consisting of Sandra Hill, Elaine Martineau, and Melanie Ottaway.
To contact Gwen, email her at gwen@stoneycreekbaptist.com or call 519-457-7072.